
Friday, January 24, 2014

Justin Bieber's Adolescesnce Careless Shame & Recpercussions

Justin Bieber got in trouble again,  again Tod got mad of all the people judging him,  and looking down at him,  when in fact they are the very same people who had admired, and looked up to him. 

There are so many child prodigies,singers, and actors, that turn out fine but on the other hand for every person turned out to be  functional, there are probably at least five that turn out to be dsyfunctional during there adolescence and adult years. 

Everyone makes mistakes but there is certainly a line people cross into the infamous realm making stupid decisions because of popularity and competition. No more because of learning by thier mistakes, now it's enabled to just make them purposely because they think they can afford the repercussions ( not taking the law seriously or being above the law,  which is insane and delusional).

Like Justin Bieber's DUI, which is the most common and the least of my judgemental concerns.  I really am not putting him down for this situation, it actually happens to everyone. What I am disappointed at was egging house,  video taping pissing in that bucket, and punch a person at Universal Studios Horror Nights.  Milly, in your pooing,  with all the drugs and Molli she brag's and sings about,  she is sure not on the news for public mistakes like Beiber has accomplished.

What really freaks me out about beibers actions is,  he videos tapes himself for all his fans to see.  That's what dissapoints me,  for everyone that looks up to him,  they also think what he does  is acceptable to society. "If Beiber does, than so can I". That scares me the most.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

One Day Famous

I would love to be famous, one day.  Doing odd hugs and/being a powerful business woman, as well! 

I have been dambling in the fields of sociology, business, research, human resource, and entertainment industry. I am currently a paid audience member, as well as,  job hunting in my qualified major category and finding my niche. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Graduating Senior

Life as a graduating senior,  is amazing,  I can't believe I'm here.  I would of never believed someone who told me 11years ago that Ibbe graduating when your 31 years old from CSUN.

I am almost done and my last final is next Tuesday. Wow, want to make money, and correct/update my resume like I need to correct/update myself and wardrobe.

I am done, finals over, my true love is Tod Burnam,  and my BA, Sociology !

Today I can to the realization that I need my LCSW license clinical sociologist or social work and in prefer to obtain this I need to get me MSW, which is excatly like MFT but just taught through different philosophies.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Preparation for Graduation is less than 365 days!

I am going to CSUN and am estimated to become a graduate by Fall 2013. Also, I am working towards being a Mediation and Conflict Resolution Certifacation by Spring 2014. I am taking six classes 5 courses and 1 internship course. This is going ro be a fun semester and I am looking forward to blogging the next 365 days about separtucally and inconsistent, of course. Going on a trup to the sequoias in Yosemite for four days right before school starts. I should be working by Fall and as I take my last undergradaute classes I need inorder to walk. 30 years old and proud to be finally finding my calling; sealing it all with a BS! My major in Sociology: Work and Society.

Project D.A.T.E. Peer Educator Program / Internship starting officially starts in a couple of weeks but I need to go there next Tues from 9-12 unofficially, just to be blunt. We have make presentations and present them to classes that request this education. I am also hoping to join the committe inorder to look goid as a coordinator some day. This is so exciting! Hopefully by the end of this hay ride this year I can finally know what I want to do with my life. Senior year of College and I finally feel like one.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

This is a Thought You Can't Refuse

I have learned allot about literary analysis, as well as life in general. I found it describes the author and who they are in a sense. If they are a hopeless romantic they are going to express it either through their character or through the main concept if their story. I've came to the realization that there is definitely a line the separates almost segregates non-fiction from fiction but its very thin at times, maybe even vague and often iron-curtain-like. I learn, like any artist, they express themselves and their life like a journal of their life, through their art; like their own language!

What I have enjoyed the most about this course was, I have enjoyed expressing my perception in each short story and responding to my fellow students as I read their opinions, as well. I have learned allot from the variety of literary terms and form authors used to write their form of fiction. I like the questions the challenged us on each short story and the inter connection they had with each other. I love to write, so this excited and motivated me for my self-expression through these deep short fictional stories. This course was completely therapeutic in comparison to my other courses, to find clarity and cure for my writer’s block, it really helped.

I have always enjoyed allegories, symbolism, and metafiction. I love when an author expresses a certain theme and main point through something else, maybe even more animated for more of the majority of society would relate to the story consciously on a universal level. The allegory of the cave was one of the first allegories I have heard and I absolutely fell in love with it; I was in a philosophy class when i figured it out but it opened me to a whole new major which was my calling, "Sociology"! I.really enjoyed reading these short stories expanding my mind even more by learning about metafiction and symbolism; which relates to what I am learning in Sociology which is Symbolic interactionism.

In conclusion, I have thoroughly enjoyed the way this whole class was constructed. I really had fun interacting with the whole class, reading each individual post, and sharing ours too. My favorite author of the stories were Edgar Allan Poe and his sick twisted versions of life and death. I also enjoyed,Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Yellow Wallpaper (1899)" it was a horrific view of women in the past when being treated like commodities or, in better words, objects. The story was about a women confined to one all room prescribed from working (which in the eyes of the reader, usually self-imprisoned women and dominating masculine in the world, see working with an everyday life so silly things women including how's work which is full time in women's only job at that time with housework and left work meant for women, in general. So for her not to work means not to.have a life. Back then, housework was the only work looked upon as only work women should do. In fact you were looked down upon for working outside of the home or even attending college. We have evolved, in our society’s view, a long way but not with the help of this story as well as others by the same author as well as other feminist at that time. That was my favorite, even over Edgar Allen Poe. I am so glad I enrolled in this class, it helped not only skills to interrelate and interpret literary art but my confidence, as well; Thanks to all contributing to my success!

Re: This is a Thought You Can't Refuse

by Tara Hall - Saturday, December 8, 2012, 11:24 PM

I liked what you wrote about most authors writings are like a journal of their lives. I really like this perspectiveas well as your thoughts on how far woman have come. I couldnt agree more.

This Thing Called Love

Usually traditional love stories are positive,a dream come true, with an ending of happily ever after! Both stories portray the dark and ugly side of love that people often brush under the rugged and overlook like the pink elephant in the room. Divorce, adultery, rejection, pain, rape, abuse of all kinds, neglect, heartbreak, jealousy, and other bad conclusions are sometimes a resort of,"love" too. "love" is a subjective chemically reduced action that is not always innocent, positive or happy. Love could be such a beautiful thing only when its a devotedly mutual. When its not mutual it could be very hurtful, antagonistic, lonely, and heartbreak. I truly feel its better to love and be loved than never love at all. Love always had these cons attached to it but usually the pros always supersedes them, if the live is true enough. There is so many different types of love because it has such a wide spectrum, the most traditional kind of love is true love which is more rare than we want to believe.

Doris Lessing’s story, “How I Finally Lost My Heart”

The story has an awful dark .lonely, and depressing side of love and all it entails, bad and good. This narrator talks about her loves of her life first, the three lovers, father, brother and the one, not to mention two marriages a few loves affairs. She questions if love is still possible after that same love failed her. In her case she had looked for love in all the wrong places. It reminds me of Marilyn Monroe and her quest for love. Rumors had it, Joe DiMaggio, the famous baseball player, was the closest to true love as she got. The narrator has bad luck, upon her quest of love she seemed like she ran into allot dead ends. This is clearly a woman who has given up on love and don’t want to feel anymore. Her notion was if she got rid of her heart, she won’t feel anymore pain. Hopelessly given up on love, she didn’t live with her broken heart anymore.

Symbolism- "A,B,C," & "Woman in the Train" are symbolizes present in the story. Taking away the names from her loves and labeling her "three loves as A, B, & C" ; symbolizes her numbness of love, almost forgetting her three conquests by labeling them as an equation justifying why she doesn't need her heart anymore; rather pull it out over not wanting to even use it at all. The women on the train was symbolic for a mirror towards the narrator's life; they both suffered with a broken heart. The narrator feeling sorry for the woman on the train as she watched her and her partner fight and related with moments she had with her past lovers.

Extended metaphor- The heart she doesn't want anymore, being heartless, and her numerous conquests, or what she calls love, in her life. She doesn't want to feel and it doesn't want to love, she doesn't want her heart anymore. Sometimes you have to first accept your own heart and be in love with yourself in order to find true love and give your heart away to the right person.

Allegory- Heartless, Lust/Infatuation, Love and Heartbreak are definitely expressed through allegories throughout the whole story. The most main allegory was of love and the harsh reality I would love could be, of which both stories relate too. It takes loving yourself and being responsible for your own heart is the first steps of a foundation for true love. Unfortunately the narrator seemed like she skipped that learning lesson in her life.

Octavio Paz’s story, “My Life with the Wave”

The author uses symbolism to describe his version of what love and marriage; using a wave as the main symbol for the live of the character's life. In the story the character falls head of heels in love with each other, so he brings her home, and marries her. The infatuation stage had them smitten for each other with no fussing, arguing , and fighting. The wave suddenly get struck by sadness and depression and falls under this style for quite a while, anything the character tried to do couldn't make it up for any didn't know what to do to make her happy you love her so much. So last desperate attempts at making her happy, he brings a bunch of fishes to the wave, which lights her face up and makes her very happy. After a while the wave spends all her attention on these fishes and not on the main character; of which gets really jealous of the whole situation. Eventually, the wave gets very dissatisfied and antagonistic towards him leading to the character having no choice but to rid himself of the wave. So he eliminated the wave from his life unburdening himself from the emotional baggage he wasn't strong enough to deal with leaving him with a lesser burden of a broken heart (which, I’m sure, hurt worst when the wave was present in his life). "The Wave" is a great symbol for the love that occurred through this story. Waves come in intervals and increments but never really represents stability. A wave is the best object to tie down and expect to be yours forever; they are a constantly changing, so it makes sense the narrator labeled his ex wife as a wave.

Symbolism- "Fishes" and "The Wave" are the loudest symbols apparent throughout the story. The, "Fishes" symbolizes the other inch love interest or people in your life that are outside of the character’s and her’s circle/environment. "The Wave" which is his wife and symbolizes a enigma of emotion and possibly a mental illness like bipolar where a person suffers from highs of mania and lows of serious depression. The wave keeps moving, never settling down, always changing moods filled with heavy emotion, and living life in mood intervals.

Extended metaphor- The Wave, the character fell in love with. The relationship between the wave and character is like a surfer riding a wave; you can’t ride that one forever its not possible. It goes to show that sometimes love isn’t enough to survive through the waves of a relationship, just end up drowning with a secure life boat too.

Allegory- Love, Jealousy, and Divorce/Separation are definitely expressed through allegories throughout the whole story. The most consistent and main allegory was of love and the harsh reality that isn’t enough to hold a relationship up its just one of many supplement necessary to keep a relationship alive.

Re: This Thing Called Love
by Eduardo Valladolid - Saturday, December 1, 2012, 08:51 PM
You presented your ideas in a very clear and organized manner. You truly understood the themes and key concepts- Thank you for helping me obtain a deeper understanding of this story, too. Great job

Re: This Thing Called Love
by Matthew Berkeland - Saturday, December 1, 2012, 09:23 PM

You did a really great job on the analysis. Both stories doing show the dark side, and a somewhat more realistic side, of relationships. There was a lot of symbolism that helped bring the reader in to the story and visualize the passion. Good job.

Stranger than Metaficition

Doris Lessing’s story, “How I Finally Lost My Heart”

The experimental literary techniques used in this story fall under categories like, Surrealism and Metafiction; her reluctant quest of giving her heart away whether meaning for good or to the Mr. right. The metaphors of hear quest only makes it more obvious that heartbroken from the search for true love is the "real" subject of this story. The narrator goes through a series of past lovers, thinking back on if she has ever lived at all. She recalls two serious loves, taking their identity away and labeling them as A and B. The third serious love was short lived almost considered a potential serious love labeling it C. Since she has made apparent is on the search or hopeless upon this search for true love, she just wanted to give up and give her heart away. I think she also points out how there are many different kinds of love, like the love she poses for her father and brother, which is more profound but different than what she is looking for. The harsh point being proved was the narrator seems how to find it easier getting having someone else trying to take care of heart then taking responsibility her own heart by finding love within herself and curing her own heart broken problems. It goes with that expression, "You can’t love someone else, until you love yourself first".

Octavio Paz’s story, “My Life with the Wave”

The experimental literary techniques used in this story fall under categories like, Surrealism and Metafiction; they very apparent throughout the story, like for example, "The Wave" its easier to talk about the downfall of falling in love making love the "Real" object of the story. Humanity and the nature of the human is challenged with a vixen-like wave of seduces the character all the way up to the alter. “The Wave” becomes bored wanting more and searching for it in other places but her marriage. There is a lot of signals that she goes through waves of emotions on a drastic levels like Bipolar or in other words Manic depression. Her waves of emotions are similar to the highs (mania) and the Lows (depression) that a person with the mental illness of manic depression would usually go through. This story gives a perspective of how not all relationships are picture perfect and cook cutter but something sometimes needs to be worked on and worked out together as a partnership; unfortunately these kinks that need to be worked on can sometimes feel impossible to resolve and can tear a relationships apart.The jealousy drives the character to get rid of the wave, which leaves him with a broken heart. This is an example of our human nature to fall in love even if its too healthy or the best choice for us. The nature of being in a toxic relationship and having no choice but to end it even if he really loved "The Wave", he had to get rid of her for his own sake. He couldn’t handle the strenuous emotional baggage the wave carried with her.

Re: Stranger than Metaficition
by Jivan Muradian - Saturday, December 1, 2012, 06:58 PM

Although the surreal nature of "My Life with the Wave," is apparent from the get-go, Lessing's "How I Finally Lost My Heart," hides this from the reader until the end of the story. I feel as though it accentuates the meaning behind the experiences and does a lot to portray the true feeling of heartbreak suffered by the female character. Very nice work, Alissa.

Re: Stranger than Metaficition
by Madison Spielvogel - Saturday, December 1, 2012, 07:17 PM

Great work on both stories. My favorite of your two was the analysis on "My Life with the Wave". I like how you point out the emotion levels. Great job

Re: Stranger than Metaficition
by Yajaira Lopez - Saturday, December 1, 2012, 08:39 PM

Alissa, you did a good job on how surrealism and metafiction was used in both stories. I found your analysis of "My Life with the Wave" interesting because you made many good points of the story. You helped me understand the story and the feelings of the man more than before.